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Over 10,000 Sold!

Inventory Updated March 17th, 2025

black powder muzzleloader musket pistol and shot gun flintlock matchlock percussion

Traditional Muzzleloading Muskets and Pistols

* Museum Quality   * Affordable   * Over 50 models
Serving you since 1995

Our Past Clients:

Some movies using our musketspeter-pan-flintlock

Signal Hill National Historic Site
Regiment Firing our Flintlock Muskets
at Signal Hill National Historic Site

Shipping Rates at bottom of page

 For Canadian Pricing see Product "View Details".
Pistols & Blunderbusses cannot be shipped to Canada.

Traditional Black Powder Muskets and Rifles for Sale


MTS-029 1795 Springfield Infantry Musket -United States  $649 
"Musket on the U.S. Infantry Insignia"

1795 Springfield Infantry Musket -United States

Flintlock Blunderbusses

MTS057 18th Century Brass Blunderbuss$629 

18-inch Barrel Model
out of stock)

MTS058 15-inch Barrel Model (in stock)

17th Century Blunderbuss

MTS032 17th Century Blunderbuss $629

18th Century Blunderbuss

MTS019 18th Century Blunderbuss $599


British Army and Royal Navy

17th Century Matchlock Musket (Lever Trigger)

MTS027A 17th Century Matchlock Musket (Lever Trigger)$649 

7th Century Matchlock Musket

MTS027B 17th Century Matchlock Musket $649 

Mid-17th Century Flintlock Musket

MTS028 Mid-17th Century Flintlock Musket$649 

 Military Dog Lock Musket and Civilian Fowler

MTS025 Fowler Dog Lock Musket  $649 

Long Land (1st Model) Brown Bess Musket


MTS008A Early Long Land (1st Model) Brown Bess Musket $649 

MTS008B Long Land Brown Bess Musket with Nose Cap $649

Short Land (2nd Model) Brown Bess Musket

MTS009 Short Land (2nd Model) Brown Bess Musket $649 

Recent Shipment is Sold Out
Back orders are being processed.

3rd Model Brown Bess Musket

MTS002 Third Model Brown Bess Musket $649 

New Land Brown Bess Musket 1812-1815

MTS034 New Land Brown Bess Musket 1812-1815 $649 

Royal Navy Sea Service Bess Musket 1778-1815

MTS022 Royal Navy Sea Service Bess Musket 1778-1815 $649 

 Long Land Brown Bess Carbine

MTS041 Long Land Bess Carbine $649

"Rogers Rangers Musket"

Brown Bess Carbine

MTS003 Brown Bess Carbine $639

Pattern 1806 Baker Rifle

MTS001 Pattern 1806 Baker Rifle $649 

Paget's Famous Cavalry Carbine

MTS044 Paget's Famous Cavalry Carbine   $639

MTS-055 1853 British Enfield Rifle   $649

MTS-056 1856 British Enfield Carbine  $649


French Military Muskets and Carbines

MTS-027A 17th Century Matchlock Musket (Lever Trigger)   $649

matchlock1.jpg (36975 bytes)

MTS-027B 17th Century Matchlock Musket (Trigger Guard)  $649 

French Fur Trade Musket

MTS-037 French Fur Trade Musket   $649 
"Fusil de Chasse"
Back in stock March 30th

 1717 French Infantry Musket

MTS-010 Model 1717 French Musket   $649 

Model 1728 French Infantry Musket

MTS-007 Model 1728 French Infantry Musket  $649 

1766 French Charleville Infantry Musket

MTS-026 Model 1766 French Charleville Infantry Musket   $649 

1766 Charleville Navy and Marine Musket

MTS-045 1766 Charleville Navy and Marine Musket   $649 
"1st Musket of the U.S. Marines"

Model 1777 French Infantry Musket - AN IX version

MTS-006 Model 1777 French Infantry Musket - AN IX version   $649 

French Napoleonic Dragoon Voltiguer and Artillery fusil musket

MTS-049 1777 Musket for Dragoons, Artillery and Voltiguers - AN IX version   $649 

Napoleon's Imperial Guard Infantry Musket

MTS-036 Napoleon's Imperial Guard Infantry Musket  $649 

Model 1777 French Cavalry Carbine

MTS-021 Model 1777 French Cavalry Carbine   $639 

sold out

MTS-004 Pattern 1816 Light Cavalry Carbine 

German Military Flintlock Muskets

small image of 1740 German potsdam infantry musket 

MTS-035 Prussian 1740 Infantry Musket   $649 

MTS-051 German 1801 "Sharpshooter" Infantry Musket   $649 

MTS-005 Pattern 1809 Infantry Musket    $649 
 "Pumpkin Slinger" - Used in the American Civil War -


American and Other Muskets and Carbines

1795 Springfield Infantry Musket -United States

MTS-029 1795 Springfield Infantry Musket -United States  $649 
"Musket on the U.S. Infantry Insignia"

Northwest Native Chief Musket

MTS-048 Northwest Fur Trade Gun   $649 

Northwest Fur Trade Gun

MTS-046 Northwest Fur Trade Gun   $649 

16th Century Matchlock Arquebus or Harquebus Access Heritage

MTS-053 16th Century Matchlock Arquebus   $649 

1816 Springfield Infantry Musket

MTS-040 1816 Springfield Infantry Musket -United States   $649 

MTS-054 1854 Percussion Cap Lorenz Rifle   $649 

Officer and a Gentleman Fusil Musket 1776

MTS-052 18th Century "Officer and a Gentleman" Fusil Musket  $649 

Double Barrelled Flintlock Shotgun

MTS-042 Double Barrelled Flintlock Shotgun  $899

Flintlock Pistols

British Army and Royal Navy

English Civil War Cavalry Pistol

MTS-017 English Civil War Cavalry Pistol  $439

scottish Highland Officer Pistol

MTS-014 Scottish Highland Officer Pistol  $439

Scottish Highland Other Ranks Pistol

MTS-038 Scottish Highland Other Ranks Pistol  $439

Sea Service Pistol (12 inch barrel)

MTS-012 Sea Service Pistol (12 inch barrel)  $439

Sea Service Pistol (9 inch barrel)

MTS-013 Sea Service Pistol (9 inch barrel)  $439

English Dragoon Pistol

MTS-016 English Dragoon Pistol   $439


British Light Dragoon Pistol

MTS-023 British Light Dragoon Pistol   $439


British New Land Pattern Cavalry Pistol

MTS-018 British New Land Pattern Cavalry Pistol   $439

18th Century Gentleman Flintlock Pistol

MTS-050 18th Century Gentleman's Pistol  $4279


MTS011 Double-Barreled Flintlock Pistol  $579

Matchlock "handgonne" Pistol with Trigger Guard

MTS-031A Matchlock "handgonne" Pistol with Trigger Guard   $439

Matchlock "handgonne" Pistol with Lever Trigger

MTS-031B Matchlock "handgonne" Pistol with Lever Trigger  $439

Queen Anne Pistol in the Golden Age of Piracy

MTS-043 Queen Anne Pirate Flintlock Pistol  $439

Flintlock Pistol for Firing Artillery

MTS-033 Flintlock Pistol for Firing Artillery $399

French Army Pistols

French 1733 Model Cavalry Pistol

MTS-030A French 1733 Model Cavalry Pistol   $439


MTS-030B French 1733 Model Navy Pistol   $439


French 1766 Model Cavalry Pistol

MTS-039 French 1766 Model Cavalry Pistol  $439


French AN IX Cavalry Pistol

MTS-024 French AN IX Cavalry Pistol   $439

French 1805 Cavalry Pistol

MTS-047 French 1805 Cavalry Pistol  $439

German Pistols

Prussian Cavalry Pistol

MTS-015 German (Prussian) Cavalry Pistol   $439 


Bayonets for Firearms

British Army

BAY-001 Baker Sword Bayonet with scabbard  $129
BAY-002 Brown Bess Socket Bayonet   $89    

French Army

BAY-004 French 1777 Model Infantry Bayonet  $89
BAY-005 Bayonet for French Musket (before 1777) and 1795 Springfield  $89 IMAGE





Shipping Time

Shipping Service



United States
(excluding Hawaii, Alaska, & Territories)

4 - 7 business days




Hawaii and Alaska only

3-5 business days




(excluding Territories)

1 - 7 business days



Please allow 5 days to process your order.
ONLY Canadian residents charged Sales Tax (GST/HST).

Taxes, Duties, Restrictions, etc...

For United States residents there is NO taxes, duty, restrictions, or brokerage fees, on your orders. We cover any such expenses.

For Canadian residents please add GST or HST depending on your province.

Feel Safe with our MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! (see Return Policy here)

Non-Firing State

We sell historically accurate muskets and pistols in a non-firing state for demonstration purposes. This allows us to comply with various local, state, national and international firearms regulations, along with shipping company policy restrictions. This means the product comes right to your doorstep.  A certified gunsmith may decide to alter a musket or pistol to a firing state by drilling the vent hole and test firing it. No need to remove the breech plug. We are not legally responsible for any changes from its present state.     Please read our Conditions of Use and Legal Disclaimer.  The customer is expected to be aware of the laws of their locality that govern products of this nature.   

You must be 18 years or older to purchase our products.   Please read our Conditions of Use and Legal Disclaimer before ordering.


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