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Method of making
Quick Match, c.1787
Submitted by Robert Henderson
This method is taken from a manuscript in the possession of
the Royal Artillery Library. It is dated sometime between 1787 and 1793 and contains
numerous details of Laboratory procedures useful for scholars interested in the American
Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars.
"To make Worsted Quick
Match; take of Worsted Ten ounces, of Spirits of Wine Three Pints, of Isinglass Half a
Pint, and Mealed Powder Ten lbs. The Wordsted is to be put on a Reel and unwound into a
Pan as equal as possible; if it should happen to break it must be secured with a double
knot to prevetn slipping and when it is all unreeled, fasten the end to the Handle of the
Pan. Half a Pint of dissolved Isinglass to be poured upon it, likewise the Spirits of
Wine, and some Water and Mealed Powder enough to cover it all over; after being gently
pressed with a woodem Spatula. It must stand to soak for one day, next take the end
fastened to the Handle of the Pan and draw it gently through the Hand, so as not to break
the Worsted, into a clear Pan, fastening the End to the Handle as before, the remainder of
the Liquor is then to be poured over it, and it must be left to stand for a Day. Having
tied the end to a Quickmatch Reel, reel it off gently, let the match run through the Hand,
so as to make it even, and moderately tight on the Reel, which must be placed on a Sifting
Table, with two Pieces of wood placed under to keep the Match from the Table. Mealed
Powder is then sifted over all the upper part so as to cover the match equally, looking
carefully over to see that no part is omitted in the Distribution of Powder. The Reel is
then to be turned and the other side carefully sifted over.
The sifted reel is to be lifted
off the Table and set so as to lean against a Wall; one Reel is to be fitted after another
till the whole is reeled off. In Summer about Ten Days will be sufficient for the Match to
dry off, after which it may be cut off, tied in Bundles, weighed and ticketed, then put up
in Deal Boxes with Sliding Covers. In preparing the Isinglass 40oz are to be hammered on
an Anvil until flat, then pickt in small pieces and put into a Copper Pan, pouring orver
it Three Pints of Water, and suffering it to stand soaking one or two Days, then Boilding
it for a Quarter of an Hour over a gentle Fire, when it is fit for use.
To make cotton Quickmatch; take
of Cotton One Pound Twelve Ounces, of Salt Petre One Pound Eight Ounces, of Spirits of
Wine Two Pints, of Water Three Pints, and of Mealed Powder Ten Pounds. The Cotton is to
consist of Two Three or Four Strands according to the size wanted and is to be wound into
The Petre is to be put into a
clean Copper Pan, and the bottom unwound upon it, then the water poured in and Boiled
together about an Hour, and the Spirits of Wine being put in and simmered together about
an Quarter of an Hour, it is taken into another room and Five Poiunds of Mealed Powder put
upon it, taking Care to let it soak well, the same porcess to be punctually observed as
for Worsted Quick Match.
Note~ Ten Pounds of Mealed
Powder are given in the aove proportions of which Five are to be used with the Cotton in
the Pan, and the other Five for Sifting over it, after the Cotton is wound upon the Reels
or Frames~"
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